Benefits of TMS For Alcohol Addiction

TMS for Alcohol Addiction: Research has shown Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to be a safe and effective way to tackle alcohol addiction. With no anaesthetic, no medication, no need for hospitalisation and no recovery time, this non-invasive treatment uses a repetitive magnetic pulse to stimulate the parts of the brain that cause alcohol cravings and dependence.

Addiction to alcohol is a serious problem, not only for the individual but also for their loved ones. Alcoholism can cause family breakdown, job loss, financial ruin and even death. It is estimated that one in every twelve adults in the United States suffers from alcoholism, and it is a major contributor to the country’s health problems. Alcohol addiction is a major drain on the economy, costing hundreds of billions of dollars through lost productivity and health care expenses.

Treatment for alcohol abuse varies according to the individual and their needs, but there are many options available that can help. These include: counselling; therapy; medication; and even medical procedures such as shock therapy (Electroconvulsive therapy, or ECT) and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS).

ECT is a long-standing treatment for severe alcohol addiction that has been used for over seventy years. TMS is a newer treatment that is growing in popularity. It is a non-invasive treatment that does not require anaesthesia or hospitalisation, and there are no known risks associated with it.

TMS uses a repetitive magnetic pulse to stimulate the parts of the brain that cause alcohol cravings and dependence. The treatment is given as a series of sessions, typically over the course of four to six weeks. Each session is 30-40 minutes long, and is administered 5 days per week.

The TMS treatment for alcohol addiction uses the Brainsway H4-Coil. The H4-coil, which is held inside a cushioned helmet, is fitted onto a patient’s head which generates electromagnetic pulses that stimulate neurons in the brain associated with addiction.

Lastly, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is a safe and effective way to tackle alcohol addiction. Withdrawal symptoms can be extreme when detoxing from alcohol and standard treatments, like CBT or self help groups, may not be enough to stop you relapsing; the cravings may be too hard to ignore. TMS works by calming the area of the brain known to cause the craving for alcohol. In patients who have recently gone through a 10 day detox, TMS can help them to prolong their success by reducing those cravings.

Learn more about how our TMS for alcohol addiction treatment can help you at or visit our site at today.

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