Beyond Psychiatry

Psychiatry is ever changing, and management of care is booming.

Developments over the past decade include less invasive but equally effective treatments for everything from anxiety and stubborn depression, to OCD and sleep/wake cycles. 

TMS is now available to manage cravings – in effect, reducing or changing the way the brain craves food, alcohol, or cigarettes, so you don’t obsess over unhealthy options. Every wonder why some people have a harder time resisting cravings than others?  It’s literally because of the brain, and we can help.

Below are a variety of new treatments that we have available at PsyFi TMS.  You can join us for regular psychiatry and get any of these treatments,  you can continue to see your current doctor and come here for specific treatments, or you can get a second opinion if you’re just curious about what we offer. PsyFi TMS is all about choice.


Learn more about the benefits of this non-invasive treatment.

ADHD Evaluation

Learn how we are evaluating individuals age 6-65 for ADD/ADHD.

Alpha Stim

Learn more about naturally calming your body with Alpha Stim.

Pharmacogenomic Testing

Learn how genetic variations may affect your response to medication.


TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) works directly on neurons in the brain. Neurons are depolarized when the magnetic field is intensified, which makes them release the neurotransmitters that regulate brain function.


The coolest new feature of TMS available in the US is the green helmet, which is used to manage cravings!  People wonder, “Why does my neighbor have the determination to get up every morning and exercise or not eat at 8pm?  Why do I have such a hart time quitting smoking, when normal available methods worked for my coworkers?  Why does drinking or gambling or [insert addiction here] have such an effect on me but not my family member?”  It’s because our brains are wired differently!  Some of us need that “zap” to put us on the right path.  Backed by research, double blind studies, and abundant success over seas, the treatment is finally available in the states.  PsyFi TMS has the new helmet!  

Unlike ECT, TMS does not produce any cognitive impairment and has fewer side effects than medications. Repetitive TMS pulses activate the dormant area of the prefrontal cortex (for severe depression) and help the area stay active even after the treatment, eliciting a long-term change. It stimulates other parts of the brain when treating OCD, Alcoholism, smoking cessation, weight loss, tinnitus, etc.

Deep TMS uses a unique H-coil that rests inside a padded helmet. While standard rTMS only reaches a depth of .7cm, Brainsway deep TMS technology manages to reach a significant depth of 3.2cm. Deep TMS also utilizes a significantly wider field of stimulation compared to that of standard rTMS. This is why we’ve partnered with Brainsway; deep TMS studies have better long-term results within the patient population.


Eli is certified in Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES). With this knowledge, he is able to help patients understand the effectiveness of Alpha-Stim. The device delivers a natural level of microcurrent via small clips worn on the earlobes. 

Most people feel instant “zen” while using Alpha-Stim for approximately 20 minutes, with lasting effects for the rest of the day.  It’s portable, unobtrusive, and can be done in the privacy of your home. 

The Alpha-Stim electrotherapy device relieves symptoms of PTSD, acute and chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia, depression, and dependency cravings or urges. It may seem too good to be true, but volumes of research over multiple decades prove it as a safe and effective therapy.  

ADHD Diagnostic Evaluation

Sometimes it’s best to take a test.

PsyFi TMS is breaking the Minnesota standard mode of testing, by including a QbTest into our testing process.  It’s our belief that an ADHD Diagnostic Evaluation should include objective tests, subjective tests with rating scales, and a clinical interview.  The lack of availability to receive such testing has been noticed and we decided to do something about it.  Adapting LEAN processes, we’ve finetuned the experience to remove error or misdiagnose. 

An ADHD Evaluation at PsyFi TMS will have 3 parts: 

Results need to be reviewed and written in report form, with a letter and clinical diagnosis so they may be used for referral sources, IEP meetings, and continuation of care.  We can assist with ongoing care, if needed.  There are various non-controlled & controlled medications, holistic treatment options, and even a prescription video game for children and adults who struggle with ADHD.  

Pharmacogenomic Testing

Why won’t my medication work?

Genes affect how medication metabolizes, and we offer tests to narrow the search.  “I’ve tried it all” is an all too common statement.  Pharmacogenomic tests involve a kit that can be mailed directly to you, or you can pick one up at our clinic. Once the packet is mailed back to the company (postage paid), you schedule a follow-up appointment to go over results.  These results are usually sent to our office within 2 weeks of receiving your sample.

How much does it cost?

We use 2 companies for pharmacogenomic testing – Tempus & Genesite. Clicking their logo below will bring you to their financial assistance questionnaires.

We don’t bill for the service, but we do often hear from patients that their insurance EOB doesn’t reflect the actual patient responsibility of the test. Most of the time patients don’t receive any type of bill for their genetic test.  If you think this option is what you need, make sure to mention it at your next appointment.


Neurofeedback, also known as EEG (electroencephalogram) feedback, is a therapeutic tool that enables instant feedback from a computer program that measures a client’s brainwave activity.  The program then uses video or audio cues to train these brain signals.  By responding to this process, clients learn to self-regulate and improve their brain function and to alleviate symptoms of various mental health and neurological issues.  

Positive or negative feedback is provided instantly for desirable or undesirable brain activities, respectively.  Clinical applications of neurofeedback include treatment of anxiety, depression, epilepsy, insomnia, substance use, schizophrenia, learning disabilities, ADHD, autistic spectrum disorders, and so on as well as other applications such as pain management, and the improvement of athletic and creative performance.  

Instead of a complicated in-office set up, Myndlift technology uses a wearable headset device which measures and senses brain activity and can be used at home.  This makes the technology accessible and more affordable.  Myndlift was recently selected to go into space on a mission that will fly to the ISS. 

Time to Make an Appointment?

Let's Do This.