QbTest: An Objective Test for ADD/ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

QbTest is a computer-based program that assesses attention ability and movement analysis. The test results are compared with data from a control group consisting of people who are the same sex and age as the person being tested. This way, reaction time and performance can be observed when concentrating on a task, in comparison to those without ADHD.

QbTest is the only test of its kind cleared by the FDA, and PsyFi TMS is one of the few treatment centers in Minneapolis using this technology.

There are many things to consider when it comes to ADD/ADHD diagnosis, and there is no unique medical test that can provide all the answers. QbTest gives objective evidence that can help your clinician in determining whether or not you have ADD/ADHD.

The QbTest is an objective marker of baseline activity, attention, and impulsivity that can assist in the evaluation of any future adjustments. Your physician will be able to treat you more precisely if he or she has access to a tool that can show them how your condition is progressing and what treatment choices are open to you.

An infrared camera, a headband with an infrared marker attached, and a responder button make up the test equipment. During the exam, several symbols appear on the computer screen. Your task is to hit the responder button as soon as a specific symbol appears on the screen. The test takes around 15 minutes to complete and has nothing to do with your language, reading, or mathematical abilities.

No longer will you have to rely on subjective information or ‘gut feelings’ to understand how well you are doing with your ADD/ADHD. QbTest provides valuable, objective data that will help your physician make more informed decisions about your care. Schedule an appointment with us today to learn more about this innovative testing technology at www.psyfitms.com or info@psyfitms.com.

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  1. Virtual Local Numbers

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