Smoking impacts over 20 million Americans, including hundreds of thousands of teens. That’s why it is so important to find an effective smoking cessation treatment that can help people quit for good. The reason why BrainsWay TMS Therapy is emerging as a top smoking cessation method is because this FDA-cleared treatment uses the proven benefits of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).
First, BrainsWay TMS Therapy is designed to help smokers overcome the physical addiction to nicotine. This ensures that once you quit smoking, your body will no longer crave cigarettes. At the same time, this FDA-cleared treatment stimulates brain activity to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms that keep smokers addicted and making excuses to start smoking again.
People who quit smoking and stay smoke-free for at least one year show significant increases in focus and attention compared to those who remain smokers, according to a study published in the Journal of Tobacco Research. BrainsWay TMS Therapy may be able to help people quit smoking by enhancing their ability to pay attention and stay engaged in the moment.
According to a study published in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, people who completed 10 weeks of BrainsWay TMS Therapy showed significantly reduced depressive symptoms, decreased anxiety and increased optimism. This is great news for those looking to quit smoking because depression, anxiety and stress can make it harder to stick with your commitment to quit.
With BrainsWay TMS Therapy, you can take advantage of more than 40 treatment sites nationwide—and more on the way. This is great news for those looking to quit smoking because more locations means easier access to care, which can help improve treatment outcomes.
Next, BrainsWay TMS Therapy is safe and effective. You can check out the treatment in action by watching this video . Today, BrainsWay TMS Therapy is one of the only FDA-cleared forms of neuromodulation for treating major depressive disorder (MDD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and other mental health conditions. This means that your doctor can prescribe it to you for smoking cessation if they think it will help.
This treatment is also covered by insurance, which helps make quitting smoking more attainable for patients. Plus, BrainsWay TMS Therapy does not cause any side effects that are commonly associated with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or antidepressant medications , making it a safe alternative to traditional smoking cessation methods.
Finally, BrainsWay TMS Therapy is personalized to your brain . This FDA-cleared treatment uses special imaging techniques to ensure that magnetic fields are delivered to the proper areas of the brain. Unlike antidepressant medications and CBT for smoking cessation, which may not target difficult-to-reach areas, BrainsWay TMS Therapy makes it possible to treat any areas of the brain that are holding you back.
Those who want to quit smoking, but also need help overcoming depression or another mental health issue can benefit greatly from treatment with BrainsWay TMS Therapy . This is because this FDA-cleared treatment is personalized to your brain waves and targets specific areas of the brain responsible for mental health conditions.
As you can see, BrainsWay TMS Therapy stands out from other smoking cessation methods because it is designed to help you quit for good while also reducing cravings, withdrawal symptoms and depressive symptoms that may cause you to start smoking again. To learn more about the benefits of this treatment for smoking cessation visit our website today at www.psyfitms.com.