Depression is a condition that can change someone’s quality of life, their concentration capabilities and even their life expectancy depending on the severity. Depression is more than just sadness; it changes how someone thinks, feels and acts. There are many types of depression including major depressive disorder (MDD), persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia) and other specific types of depression. TMS Therapy For Depression can treat these conditions.
TMS therapy is a non-invasive procedure to treat depression by using electromagnetic induction to induce currents within the brain, which then stimulates nerve cells that are responsible for mood regulation. This helps patients with depressive episodes to recover faster compared to other treatments available because it only requires short-term sessions to achieve successful results. TMS therapy is also painless, unlike electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), where electric currents are used to induce seizures in the patient.
It has been found out that TMS therapy can be very effective for treating depression because it directly affects the prefrontal cortex of the brain that regulates moods. This provides patients with immediate results, unlike antidepressants which only have a subtle effect on moods.
TMS therapy has less side effects compared to antidepressant medications because it directly affects the brain without having to travel through other parts of the body. People who have been treated using antidepressants experience weight gain, sleepiness, blurred vision and even sexual dysfunction. TMS therapy also has less risk of relapse because it stimulates nerve cells within the brain to reduce symptoms of depression. Finally, TMS therapy takes a much shorter time to treat patients compared to antidepressant drugs which take weeks before patients can feel any changes in moods.
TMS Therapy is much like using a magnifying glass to burn the skin of an ant versus burning the entire area with a flamethrower. When you use a magnifying glass, it focuses its beam on one specific point and makes it hotter than the surrounding areas. Use of TMS therapy works like this where localized heat is used to treat depressive episodes instead of treating the entire area like in the case of antidepressant drugs.
TMS therapy is an effective way to treat patients who are unresponsive to antidepressants or do not wish to take them because they have too many side effects. It was found out that almost 80% of people who were treated with TMS therapy responded positively to the treatment and experienced a reduction in depressive episodes.
To conclude, TMS Therapy has many advantages over antidepressants because it is non-invasive, painless and short-term compared to antidepressants which are invasive, painful and long-term. Learn more about how we can help boost your quality of life by alleviating depression with TMS at info@psyfitms.com or visit our site at www.psyfitms.com today.
Wow, I never knew that TMS is a type of treatment that could help alleviate any signs and symptoms of depression. It does make sense to get this illness treated since it could affect a person’s daily routines and social relationships. I’ll be sure to keep this in mind if I end up developing it someday.