10 Tips on Improving Your Mental Health in 2022

Improving Your Mental Health in 2022: Over the past few years there has been a huge cultural shift in how we view mental health. Mental illnesses are among the most common health conditions in the United States. More than 50% will be diagnosed with a mental illness or disorder at some point in their lifetime. 1 in 5 Americans will experience a mental illness in a given year. This is a number that demands our attention and action on a global scale. Here are ten tips on how to improve your mental health in 2022.

1) Build more connections

We know that humans are social animals, and that it’s hard for us to flourish without quality relationships with others. There is growing evidence that shows how loneliness can damage our physical and mental health, even doubling the risk of death by cardiovascular events. Nowadays, communication is no longer just about being face-to-face, or on the telephone. It can be augmented through our screens to include video chats, text messaging, live broadcasting and social networking. Through digital interactions we are able to create better connections with others who share some of our common interests while also reaching out to people in ways that help us feel seen and heard.

2) Make movement a priority

Our brains were wired for movement through natural activity before we came into this world. Being mobile requires the use of multiple large muscle groups and promotes physical, mental and social well-being. In countries around the world many public health officials, medical professionals and mental health experts are now recognizing the importance of promoting fitness, exercise and physical activity for better brain health. It can help us reduce stress, anxiety and depression while also improving our cognitive function.

3) Watch your standing time

Humans have evolved to move upright throughout their waking hours. We should not be sedentary for hours at a time. Yet, that is what most of us are doing each day. We live in an era-defining moment where we have more access to information at our fingertips than ever before. This has clear benefits with regards to learning and the dissemination of knowledge, but it also comes with a cost: less physical activity and too much time spent in a sedentary position. Too much standing time can increase the risk of death from cardiovascular disease and other causes. This is why it’s crucial that we stand up often, move around regularly and find ways to be mobile in our daily lives.

4) Mind your mood

We still have work to do when it comes to understanding how our brains function, but we know that they are highly responsive to the quality of our mood. We also know that there are simple things that can improve mood and reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Research has shown that playing video games reduces feelings of depression, while listening to music helps with cravings by reducing desire for drugs or food. Spending time in nature is also good for your mood, cognitive function and physical health.

5) Address stress

Stress is a part of our daily lives, and we need to better understand how to manage it. Researchers have found that simple ways like deep breathing and yoga can help us be more resilient when it comes to dealing with stressful events. While we cannot avoid stress, we can use coping strategies to help us better deal with it.

6) Find a purpose

Our brains are wired for connection and social activity. We thrive when we have a sense of meaning and purpose in our lives. Research has shown how those who feel they contribute to society tend to live longer, healthier lives than those who feel isolated or disconnected. It’s important to spend time on things that are meaningful and gratifying, while also engaging in activities that give you a sense of purpose. There is evidence that suggests taking part in activities like social volunteering can reduce mental health problems; it has even been shown to increase our lifespan by reducing the risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

7) Get closer to your partner

Humans are social creatures, and we need close personal connections with others. This may be especially true for those who feel socially isolated and disconnected from their community or society as a whole. Social isolation is linked with various physical and mental health problems that can influence longevity and quality of life. Our relationships with our family, friends and community can have a profound impact on how we feel both physically and mentally.

8) Tune in to alternative therapies like TMS

At PsyFi TMS, we offer Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), a non-invasive procedure that uses high powered magnets to stimulate nerve cells in the brain. TMS can help with depression for patients who have not responded well to medications or other talk therapies by helping change brain chemistry. It’s also used as an effective tool for those dealing with substance abuse.

9) Know your health numbers

It is essential to understand the health of your body on a number of fronts. This includes paying attention to things like blood pressure, blood sugar levels, heart rate and cholesterol profiles. Quality healthcare providers are also important in keeping tabs on these factors so that interventions can be made before problems occur. When it comes to mental health, it’s important that we understand how medications impact us both short and long term.

10) Give back

Helping others can not only be empowering but can also reduce stress, anxiety and even pain. Studies have shown that charitable activity is good for our psychological well-being and overall health, adding happiness to our lives. We also know that volunteering and acts of kindness can lead to more social engagement and interaction with others, which we need for our mental health.

There you have it, 10 steps to improve your mental health in 2022 as well as your physical health. Follow these simple guidelines and 2022 will be a healthier year for us all! Wishing you a happy new year from the PsyFi TMS team.

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