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TMS Therapy For Teens and Adolescents

As a parent or guardian, it is important to be aware of the mental health and welfare of your children. On average, one in five young people between the ages of 12 and 18 will experience a mental health issue, such as depression. Fortunately, there are many treatment options for managing depression in youth mental health, including transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). In this article, we will provide an overview of TMS therapy for teens and adolescents.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has certified Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) for ages 18 to 70, however clinical studies have shown that this form of treatment is secure and dependable in treating conditions in children as young as nine. Among the conditions successfully treated by TMS are:

Not only does research suggest that as few as 10 TMS sessions over a two week period can drastically improve the symptoms of children and adolescents with mental health conditions, but most young people demonstrate a reduction in depression, irritability and attention deficits after their treatment. Even though TMS is not yet approved by the FDA for use on kids, it should still be taken into consideration by parents looking for relief from these issues.

The safety and tolerability of TMS for children has been established through numerous clinical reviews, with a large-scale review of 384 kids over a 10 year period finding no serious side effects and negligible rates of seizure even in those with existing epilepsy or TBIs. Mild headache is the only common side effect, but this usually resolves without treatment. Following the most recent safety guidelines established for adults, researchers recommend that healthcare professionals providing TMS to children do so until further evidence is available to create pediatric-specific protocols.

Lastly, TMS therapy has been successful in reducing depression symptoms by a remarkable 50% on the Hamilton Depression (Ham-D) Rating Scale within just three weeks. Studies involving adolescents and young adults have revealed an even more impressive average remission rate of 40%. What’s more, testimonies about this form of treatment are usually positive due to limited short-term side effects.

At PsyFi TMS, we are proud to provide TMS therapy for teens adolescents, so that they can have the opportunity to experience relief from their mental health issues. We also strive to inform parents of its potential benefits on youth mental health and encourage them to take it into account as a viable treatment option. Contact us today if you would like more information about our TMS treatment:

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