How BrainsWay’s Deep TMS H4-Coil Can Help You Squash Hunger Cravings and Quit Smoking.

We are excited to announce that our clinic will soon be able to offer BrainsWay Deep TMS for smoking cessation and curbing food addiction with something called the H4-coil. The H4-coil of this technology is a safe and effective aid, representing the first FDA clearance in the addiction space for any TMS device.

We are excited to announce that our patients can finally use this amazing tool at our clinic. The H4-coil comes with amazing benefits for patients. For example, it increases activity of the PFC (Pre- Frontal Cortex), the area of the brain associated with decision making and impulse control. It also helps reduce cravings, especially for food. Finally, most people who have used this technology report they experience a significant decrease in hunger overall…and even more specifically, a decline in sugar addiction! 

Most people don’t realize just how addictive sugar is. Sugar triggers your reward center and releases dopamine—the same substance released by addictive drugs such as cocaine. In fact, many researchers believe that sugar has an equally powerful effect on our reward system as alcohol or nicotine does. Using the H4-coil can help you break free from your sugar addiction, yet another key benefit if this is an area that you are struggling with.

In addition to food addiction, the H4-coil is designed to help smokers quit. But how exactly does it help? It’s all about increasing activity of the PFC, the area of the brain that is associated with impulse control. In order for a smoker to quit, he or she has to control the desire to smoke and resist urges. Smokers often experience a crescendo of cravings when the nicotine in their system wears off. Deep TMS with the H4-coil is thought to help raise activity of this area, helping patients control cravings and resist urges.

Interested in learning more about the Deep TMS H4-coil and getting back on track with your goals? Reach out to us at to learn more!

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