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3 Common Myths About Spravato

Depression affects millions of people in the United States, but it’s a condition that can be hard to treat. Antidepressants and therapeutic counseling have been used for decades as first-line treatments for depression, yet up to 30% of those with major depression fail to find relief from these methods. Fortunately, a new treatment option is available that has been showing promising results in treating depression: Spravato™. At PsyFi TMS, we understand how frustrating it can be when traditional treatments don’t work. That is why our mental health team is pleased to offer this new approach to treating depression. But before you make a decision about your care, it’s important to separate fact from fiction. Here, we dispel some of the most common myths about Spravato and its benefits.

Myth: Spravato is the same as ketamine.

Fact: This is one of the common myths about Spravato. While similar to ketamine in many ways, differs in one key aspect. Spravato contains esketamine as its active ingredient; this compound is drawn from the most potent antidepressant portion of the ketamine molecule. Consequently, those using Spravato for depressive symptom relief require less of the drug overall to achieve desired results.

Myth: Spravato is addictive.

Fact: Because Ketamine has been used as a painkiller and sedative in the past, there is always the potential danger of addiction. However, with Spravato you will have no such issues because it is administered through a nasal spray that you self-deliver under our guidance in our office; You may not take the spray home with you.

Myth: Spravato is new and untested.

Fact: Spravato underwent three short-term clinical trials and one long-term trial before the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave their approval. The FDA’s assessment of one study found that Spravato nasal spray alleviated depression significantly better than placebo within two days. The extended trial’s results were just asAssuring, which prompted the FDA to approve Spravato for people with depression that doesn’t respond positively to treatment or have suicidal thoughts/actions.

In addition to TMS, it’s been over 60 years since a novel depression treatment has come to market. Our clinic is thrilled to introduce Spravato as a potential game-changer in the field. If you would like to learn more about how Spravato can help ease your depression, please contact us today for information at We look forward to hearing from you.

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