5 Natural Remedies For Anxiety

Anxiety is defined as uneasiness or fear in anticipation of some future event or an uncertain outcome. Everyone experiences anxiety at different points in their lives for numerous reasons. Sometimes, anxiety can be so overwhelming that it triggers panic attacks. A panic attack can cause sudden shortness of breath, pounding heart, nausea, chest pain and hot flashes. Learn more about how you can mitigate the impact of anxiety with these five natural remedies for anxiety.

Natural Remedies For Anxiety

1. Lavender Oil

The scent of lavender oil is known to calm nerves and reduce anxiety. It has the ability to relax the body and mind, making it an excellent sleep aid. The natural chemical constituents in lavender oil are what give it its sedative properties, along with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial properties.

2. Passion Flower

Passion flower is an herbal remedy for anxiety with sedative properties. According to research done by the Department of Pharmacology at Midwestern University in Arizona, this herb contains flavonoids that are similar to anti-anxiety pharmaceuticals.

3. Chamomile Tea

Valerian root contains a chemical called GABA, which induces a calming effect on the brain and central nervous system. This can help reduce anxiety levels and prevent panic attacks from occurring. Parents often give their children chamomile tea to help them relax before bedtime because it has been shown to improve sleep quality.

4. Meditation

Meditation is a mind and body practice that can reduce stress, improve mood, increase self-awareness, enhance well being and bring about overall happiness. According to Harvard Health Publications, meditation “changes the brain in several important ways.” These changes affect how we react to stress by increasing our ability to handle them.

5. Yoga

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), yoga is an effective treatment for anxiety because it reduces stress, enhances mood and promotes overall health. The physical activity involved in yoga can stimulate the release of GABA, which has relaxing effects on the body similar to valerian root. People often practice yoga to help themselves relax, which is why it’s a great remedy for anxiety and panic attacks.

In addition to these 5 natural remedies for anxiety, learn more about how we can help you treat anxiety with our TMS treatment by getting in touch today at info@psytifms.com and learn more at www.psyfitms.com.

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