PsyFi TMS Minneapolis Alternative Weight Loss Therapy 

PsyFi TMS is excited to announce that Minneapolis Alternative Weight Loss patients will soon have access to Brainsway’s Deep TMS H4-Coil. his device is the first of its kind in America and will be available only through PsyFi TMS Minneapolis.

Brainsway’s Deep TMS H4-Coil is a scientfically-backed-backed, non-invasive Minneapolis alternative weight loss therapy that uses Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), to promote weight loss. Unlike other methods of weight loss, this therapy does not involve placing any foreign material in the body, such as lap-bands or gastric bypasses.

This innovative non-surgical alternative to weight loss involves using a magnet to induce an electric current in the brain which stimulates areas of the brain that help control one’s appetite.

“We are very excited about this new weight loss therapy and know it will help many of our patients achieve their weight loss goals. Our goal is to help get our patients to a healthy weight and we believe that Brainsway’s Deep TMS H4-Coil can help in doing just that.”

The device works by targeting the hunger center of the brain while leaving areas responsible for judgment intact, so there are no side effects such as feeling drugged or lethargic.

The weight loss center in the brain is located near an area called the thalamus, which has been shown to be associated with control of appetite and hunger.  It uses Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) based on H4 coil that was developed by Brains-way, a company based in Israel.

It is estimated that the The H4-Coil has helped treat more than 50,000 patients worldwide since 2008.

Here are reasons why you should consider the H4-Coil as an alternative weight loss therapy measure:

No surgery is involved. It can be tried on a trial basis, before making any major lifestyle changes.  The effects are immediate after each treatment and typically last for 3-4 months.

Patients should experience an average loss of 5% of their body weight in only 6 months with the H4 coil as an alternative weight loss therapy. This is a safe and non-invasive treatment that produces very little discomfort. The best part is it’s covered by most major insurance companies.

For more information and to learn about the benefits of using Brainsway’s Deep TMS H4-Coil as an alternative weight loss therapy, check out our website or get in touch with us today at

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